Q: What can I expect in my Rolfing® Structural Integration session?
A: Each session is unique to the individual because of Rolfing's collaborative process. The client and the practitioner work together to create change. Sessions range from 60 minutes to 90 minutes on average and incorporate assessments, movement, postural analysis, verbal cues, open and friendly dialogue, manual therapy, and therapeutic discussions.
Q: What do I wear?
A: Sessions are performed clothed as clients are typically moved through ranges of motion and often asked to walk throughout the session. Each session will incorporate assessments and postural analysis through walking, standing and other table and movement-based assessments. A female client can wear shorts such as running shorts or yoga shorts along with a bra, sports bra or tank top. Men can wear running shorts or gym shorts. Clothes should allow the client to be mobile and unrestricted while allowing the practitioner to visually assess the client's structure.
Q: Does Rolfing® hurt?
A: No! Rolfing® doesn't need to be painful to be effective, in fact, a lighter touch has been shown to be more effective in creating a postural change. Connective tissue, also known as fascia, is filled with neuroreceptors. These neuropathways can be communicated with through verbal cueing and movement to help release stored tensional patterns within the connective tissue matrix. In this way, the practitioner and client work together to find the appropriate level of touch to create the greatest amount of change and benefit within the system.