
Intuitive Embodiment, Rolfing® Structural Integration allows for an abundance of vitality and empowerment by creating a sense of spaciousness within the body.

What is Rolfing®? Rolfing® Structural integration is a whole body approach to alignment and wellness. While sessions are offered individually the full benefits of Rolfing® are best experienced through what is referred to as the 10-series.

The 10-series is essentially one session that is broken down into 10 to 15 hours of manual therapy that is performed over 6 weeks to 10 months. The client and practitioner work together to unwrap fascial tensions in the body which allows the individual to align in gravity. This increased ease in the gravitational field allows for better posture, and many report increased mobility, flexibility and decreased pain.

What happens after the 10-series? After the 10-series the client integrates on their own for what is referred to at sessions 11 and 12. This is a 3 month to 1 year process of allowing the transformation that have taken place settle in the system. After which additional “tune-up” work can be done to help the body continue to organize in space.

Can I do only 1 session? Yes! Sessions can be designed around your availability and need. Other bodywork modalities are also available such as Thai body-work, Reiki energy-work and meditation instruction. To make an appointment or if you have further questions please feel free to reach out at or 215-859-2479.

I look forward to working with you!

About Vanessa Sychak Certified Rolfer™

Vanessa began her holistic practice in 2014 as a yoga instructor and body-worker. After living in South East Asia for two years studying local healing traditions she traveled to Boulder CO to learn the art of Rolfing®. Today, Vanessa is Certified Rolfing® Structural Integrator and operates her practice in downtown Portsmouth NH. 


Vanessa Sychak, Certified Rolfing® Structural Integrator, Thai body-worker, Tibetan Reiki level II practitioner, Himalayan Institute 200 hr trained yoga and meditation instructor.